About Us
Little Bunnies kindergarten is based in Pusing, Perak. Our programs are designed to give your child a stronger start in school and in life. Our primary goal is to provide a place where children ages 3-6 can develop a strong foundation for learning with our curriculum, diverse activities, and daily experiences. These provide children the opportunities for a fun, enriching and exciting time while they make long lasting relationships. We believe that your child’s well-rounded experiences with us will provide them the necessary strengths for emotional, social and academic excellence.
我们的幼儿园坐落在布先,我们的课程专门为您的孩子而特设,以便将来能够获得良好的学习起步。我们的的目标是营造一个舒适的环境让我们 3-6 岁的孩子能够开拓强大的学习基础, 我们将会通过不同的活动与每天的日常学习,让我们的孩子茁壮成长。这样孩子将能从中从快 乐中学习,也让孩子们之间能够建立互信,开始学习与外界的接触。我们坚信我们的孩子将会 在我们所营造的环境下达致身心灵的发展。
Our Services
Holiday and Academic Camp
Drawing Class
Dedication to the company's goals and mission for being reliable, responsible and having excellent communication skills. We have more than 10 years working experience and kindergarten managing skills that set us apart from others. Our teachers graduated with Diploma and Degree in Early Childhood Education and similar. We aim to provide the best service.

Cheok Pei Qi